When you have an SD-WAN deployment in your lab, you will probably use the console access a lot to do some checks. With 20.7.1, a lot more logging will be generated about unlicensed devices. When you type in the console, the number of messages will exponentially increase until it comes both annoying and unworkable.
:: Disclaimer
This post is based on my own research based on the described topic. I’ve done extensive research to grasp the correct resources to fill my knowledge in the best way possible. It is possible that I’m not able to mention other resources due to my visibility on the net. I’m happy to learn more if these are available.
:: The Workaround
Here is how to fix it.
First, let’s check what the format of the message is:
*Jan 18 18:28:36.318: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:36.318: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:36.318: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:36.319: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:46.319: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:46.319: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:46.319: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:46.320: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:46.320: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:56.319: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:56.319: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:56.320: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:56.320: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:28:56.320: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:06.320: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:06.320: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:06.320: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:06.321: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:06.321: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:16.322: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:16.322: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:16.323: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:16.323: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
*Jan 18 18:29:16.323: %SMART_LIC-2-PLATFORM_ERROR: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
Let’s dissect the logging format:
- Facility: %SMART_LIC-2
- Severity: -2-
- Msg body: Smart Licensing has encountered an internal software error. Contact TAC: The platform provided UDI list has invalid values: ; udi_sn is empty; udi_sn is null or empty for valid udi_p
We can filter based on these facts and choose to drop them. As this is a test lab, I’m not really interested in filtering wisely. I just need to get rid of that message filling up my sessions.
In production, try to filter as tight as possible to prevent lost messages!
logging discriminator GO-AWAY mnemonic drops PLATFORM_ERROR
logging console discriminator GO-AWAY
Obviously, this will filter all events based on the PLATFORM_ERROR mnemonic.
Since logging discriminator is not supported in the vManage GUI, we need to use a CLI Feature template to overcome this unsupported feature.
:: CLI Feature template
Go to Configuration / Templates / Feature
Add Template, select the appropriate device mode and choose Cli Add-On template

Attach to the template. Open the template and navigate to Additional templates section.
Attach the feature template as follows and click Update. The update will be pushed to all devices attached to the device template.

:: Verify
Log on to one of the SD-WAN routers. Initiate the below command and check the output:
RDC01-SDW-R2#show logging
Syslog logging: enabled (1 messages dropped, 447 messages rate-limited, 56 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
Active Message Discriminator:
GO-AWAY mnemonics drops PLATFORM_ERROR
No Inactive Message Discriminator.
Console logging: level debugging, 485823 messages logged, xml disabled,
filtering disabled, discriminator(GO-AWAY),
0 messages rate-limited, 1435 messages dropped-by-MD
Monitor logging: disabled
Buffer logging: level debugging, 487628 messages logged, xml disabled,
filtering disabled
Exception Logging: size (4096 bytes)
Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled
Persistent logging: enabled, url bootflash:/syslog, disk space 104857600 bytes, file size 10485760 bytes, batch size 4096 bytes
<output omitted>