A few days ago Peter Paluch posted a thread on Cisco Learning Network. He has created an OS image based on Debian that is used in the actual CCIE EI exam. CCIE Candidates can now get familiar with the feeling of this distribution and the tools that are installed on it.
Most candidates use EVE-NG to configure many topologies for their studies. I’ve converted the image to a KVM-based image to run inside EVE-NG and done some test runs which ended up successful.
I’ve also created a custom template for Intel-based systems to fit inside EVE-NG with the required sizing and NICs this VM needs. I’ve also reflected the naming of the NICs as used in the actual LAB. Please note that the interface naming inside the OS is still based on ENS{1} and doesn’t reflect the naming in the topology builder.
Below is the link for the converted image, the template, and instructions on how to incorporate the image in your EVE-NG installation.
Special thanks to Peter Paluch for setting us up with this image.
Have fun!
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